Access to site options

Each site has options that can be customized by the manager, in order to guarantee more accessibility and maintenance.

Information visibility and sharing on multiple sites

Allows the site operator to see the BADGES of other sites, in the event that a registered operator can access multiple sites with the same Badge.

New insert

It allows the site operator to create new badges independently without having to depend on the administrator


It allows the site operator to delete badges independently without having to depend on the administrator. ATTENTION this could cause a loss of information, which cannot be managed centrally!

Transactions granted on VISITORS

This section enables operations on local visitors to the site.

It allows you to export and delete the visitor list

DELETE VISITORS: in the case of ADR or security or privacy management, enabling these items is dangerous, because the managers would no longer have visibility of the information attached to manage documents that enable the visitor to interact with the structure.

How to "Access to site options"

To access the options proceed from the Sites Dashboard panel..

Access to site options