Address Book - local site

Address book local is used locally to manage the people who are inside the site and operate daily. They have a tag and tracking system very often managed by human resources. The fields are the same as in the shared directory and can be exported at any time.

Address book local example

Easy to use, it allows you to store, modify, delete and export the list of addresses. This feature is only available to the person who has signed up for the service. The sites will have only the consultation of this information.

Here we will describe the value of the information recorded and how it will be used. 

Tools commands

Registrate a new address

Edit address by selected row

Delete selected row. before running,  confirm is required

Reload information utility

Show card view

Available only for manager

Download information (only showed), for future use with a spreadsheet

Direct assignment to a Badge

Select column show/hide

This setting affects the export

Edit contact information

Edit Contact Example

Definition of contact:

This section allows you to identify and group your contacts. This section identifies the duties of the subject:

Responsible: Quality / Environment

Grouping: FAX functional group, logistics, maintenance, security, and …

This section identifies the subject, with a pro-active attitude within the structure. When it enabled same information are available in the list and in the future in the report.

First Aid & DAE are active qualifications.