Address Book - Upload shared directory site

Upload means that you can upload in one or more times from a structured CSV file. We remember that, this information will be available on all sites, because numbers are useful to all.

Each site then has a local address book available for managing internal contacts.

How it behaves in the search and replacement of existing information

These listed attributes allow you to replace the information already present by combining one or more linked fields. It is important to understand that having a backup of your information is essential.

P.S.: This information does not make sense, when you select “Delete address book records before import”

This is the list:

No matches are evaluated and all information is appended

Allows you to concatenate the Name and surname to determine if the contact exists and overwrites the data and does not append the information. . If no match is found, the information is appended

Surname [space] Name: it is the same but in reverse

Through the field the correspondence is searched and the information substituted for the record. If no match is found, the information is appended

Through the field the correspondence is searched and the information substituted for the record. If no match is found, the information is appended

Definition of upload file columns

The definition of the columns is the second important piece of information that allows you to load data efficiently:

  • The information contained in the CSV file must be 8 columns
  • kind, name, surname, email, mobile, phone, Interior, Grouping

TYPE Column - explain

Special attention is given to the TYPE column. This column has a limited number of values, because it allows the service to identify the information and use it correctly. It defines some professional figures that orbit the corporate universe and are indispensable every day or on some occasions.


The => Team / Crew or Employ clerk

In particular, this value determines a person who works on the site for several days. identifiable as an employee or a person who performs a particular daily task of common utility. This does not mean that the person has no first aid SKILL or use of defibrillators.

We have defined a simple list of figures and we hope that they are sufficient for our case, to have a shared rubric.

“Doctor” ,”Clinic Medical” ,”Employee, clerk” ,”Ambulance” ,”Manager” ,”Security” ,”Support Team/Crew” ,”Journalist” ,”Militar person”

File CSV Example

The definition file as an example is available here