General management of badges / sites

This section is used to manage the BADGE information in a more tabular way. This section also allows you to export for external processing, with respect to the program. This allows the customer maximum flexibility to operate independently, but we strongly believe that the use of EasyBADGE will be more and more competitive, with respect to manual management.

It is NOT necessary to delete this information over and over again, because it is associated with the physical BADGE you have produced and you can reproduce it as many times as you want!

Once created and printed, you’re done.

Manage BADGE page

When the filter is set Sites: * there could be many Bage lines with the same information, so the lines of the blue table break the lines, as in the example image.

Manage BADGE page - detail table

General management of badges / sites

By simply clicking in this area, a dialog box will open to apply a filter that best suits your needs

Select sites, categories or both to change the list of BADGEs in the table, after submit by “Apply filter” button.

Manage BADGE page - detail filter

Row tools commands

These tools are available at the individual information of each row.

Edit address by selected row

Delete selected row. before running,  confirm is required

Tools commands

These tools are available at all row’s.


Create Reserve Badge with a specific Code not numeric (Ex. BR001, BR002,…)

Create new Badge, di categoria: Numeric Badge.

For example form 001 to 999

Select column show/hide

This setting affects the export

Reload information utility

Show card view

Select column show/hide

This setting affects the export

It generates the same 1-click event in the filter area, so that a modal window appears to change or apply the filter

Destroys BADGE information. When you select a dialog box opens and asks what you want to delete, in the same way as the filter.

Warning: the information is NOT restorable, but it is possible to create new ones at any time.

Download information (only showed), for future use with a spreadsheet

New numeric Badge

New Numeric Badge​

This dialogue requires the selection of the site where the Badges will be created, asking from the number to the number and their formatting.

Formatting in: if indicated 0000 the numbers from 0001 to 0001. Here in this specific example will be created 001 to 001

The RUN key will not be enabled until a Site is selected to create the badge with number RR-001.


As the title says: a confidential badge is managed through an alphanumeric coding. Here the site where to create it is required, if not selected through the filter, the prefix and the number.


The RUN key will not be enabled until a Site is selected to create the badge with number RR-001.


Edit address by selected row

This Dialog window allows you to interact with the Badge information. Most of the information is filled in by visitors at the time of registration and in the case of reserved Badges they remain permanent.

Important: if you change the “Badge N.”, the display order for the operator who manages access to the site will be changed.

Manage BADGE - edit information page

This information is identical to that of the operator who manages the site, their modification is often not necessary.


The fields “Useful for integration with devices”, they are currently under development for API library, for those who develop software or hardware to be implemented to perform additional automated functions

The information filled in the RFID and NFC fields will be displayed with the same icon in the main table in the coloumn [Info]