Privacy Of Visitors


Easy Badge is very attentive to the matter of privacy, which is why it has a dedicated section, which allows you to activate and revoke your rights on data processing. Every visitor who interacts with our customer is important. Any visitor can apply restrictions on the data released to his client and consequently to the one who offers the registration service.

By indicating the email address, the mechanism can be authorized by the customer at any time. This will allow information to be kept for the reference year, and to interact with it to carry out the functions defined between the customer and the supplier.


The registration process of a supplier / visitor that does not authorize the terms of privacy does not affect the functioning of the Easy Badge process, but is indicative for those who use the service. Consequently, it is then those who use the EasyBadge process who make decisions about it. Easy Badge is not responsible for the processing of data between the EasyBadge User and its suppliers / Visitors. EasyBadge will NOT use visitor information, except in the specific case where the supplier / visitor specifies it as “data communication to Partners”.

Privacy invitation email

In the various sections of Easy Badge it is possible to send an invitation to obtain permits.

Example of email to invite to privacy registration

Goto on This Link

Go to this address to confirm your registration -LINK

The device will open a browser page, which allows the recording of information. Using the same LINK the revocation of the registration is possible at any time. Checking personnel will be notified that this information has not been deactivated.