Two-Factor Authentication

Improved authentication, with the new functionality for site managers.

At the moment it is an option valid only for access to the management site’s and NOT for operator.

New's 2022

How to enable 2 factor

Two-Factor Authentication entry point

Click on section, to enter in cofniguration.

This setting can be deactivated at any time. In case of problems, can solve the problem by contacting them.

The Pairing code is generated the first time so that it can be associated with multiple devices. In the future, we think 2-factor authentication is a feature for sites as well.

Two-Factor Authentication enable and disable

When 2 Factor Authentication is ON

Two-Factor Authentication pairing

Following the instructions, the Google authenticator APP is installed, the first paring code must be entered in the text box on the right, to confirm activation. Confirmation of activation is indicated by the title which takes on a green color which indicates that it is active. 

Two factor Authentication enabled

First next login 2MFA code is required

Two factor Authentication after login

At the next Login, the procedure for providing the code will be required.