Local visitors - address book

This is  “Local Visitors Directory”, where people who register with a badge are stored. This information is the LOG of access to the site and is used for the generation of reports.

This information also results in a report indicating the people present on the site in case of an emergency.

Local visitors - address book Example

The Local visitors, address book is where people who register with a badge are stored. Reserved Badges are also stored here and available always.

As an advanced function it is possible to both export and imprint these contacts. This allows on the one hand for maintenance and as a second possibility to import a list of people who have previously registered by the customer.

Row tools commands

Registrate a new address

Edit address by selected row

Delete selected row. before running,  confirm is required

Reload information utility

Show card view

Download information (only showed), for future use with a spreadsheet

Select column show/hide

This setting affects the export

Row Tools - Exceptions!

The delete icon is disabled

If this option is not available, it is because within the Site Options it has not been allowed by the administrator. Go to the Site Options section and enable the deletion.

The Download ALL icon is NOT present

If this option is not available, it is because within the Site Options it has not been allowed by the administrator. Go to the Site Options section and enable the deletion.

The DELETE ALL icon is not enabled

If this option is not available, it is because within the Site Options it has not been allowed by the administrator. Go to the Site Options section and enable the deletion.

The PRIVACY icon

This icon indicates that the person registered with an email can authorize us to process the data by sending and confirming a simple email.

Table tools

Delete ALL

PAY ATTENTION: The cancellation is only site selected!

The cancellation of all visitors is carried out, so as to no longer have a history.

Attention: the deletion is not recoverable, please export before execution!

If the button is disabled, refer to the site options guide.


Procedure for loading visitors from external list.

Field's description

The local visitors is definde by attribute, stored and available for local site ore stored for multiple site, this depend from option set by site manager.

Badge N. Changing the Budget number affects the sorting of how it will be displayed.

Some useful information for the definition of the visitor.

The category and the typology can be changed at the time of registration. The difference is in the registration of the reserved badge, it is useful for those personnel who work periodically or for a period on 1 or more sites.

Edit visitor example

Assign badges at the entrance

Wizard who to assign badge Reserved upon entry.

Assign badges at the entrance.

P.S.: This feature is only available to the operator who oversees the site. When editing visitors as Administrators only exit is available.

Wizard, how to assign badges at the entrance.

This visitor introduces himself to the site and at this point the operator requests which badge he will enter by associating the number directly, in the same way as the main site management screen “Site- Entry point operator”

Seelction Badge example

By selecting the Badge of the site immediately you have the information available

Wizard, how to unassign badges at the entrance.

This visitor is present on the site and at this point the operator has the option of requesting to disassociate the Badge and indicate it, such as: “No longer on the site”, in a similar way to the main site management screen “Site – Gate Operator”

By selecting the Badge of the site immediately you have the information available

Force a visitor to leave the site

Add new Visitor manually

The manual addition of visiting in this view, without a selected site, is made available to all sites, which will receive the visit.

At present, a visit recorded from this entrance point is visible and selectable by all sites, because the symbol “-“, indicates that it is everyone.

Visitor without registration

Visitors inserted at the manager level, have the symbol as the site “-“.